Rekrutacja na semestr zimowy i rok akademicki 2024/2025

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(UW) English Studies – Linguistics (Instytut Anglistyki, Wydział Neofilologii), studia I stopnia, stacjonarne

Jednostka organizacyjna Uniwersytet Warszawski
Kierunek studiów English Studies – Linguistics
Forma studiów stacjonarne
Poziom kształcenia pierwszego stopnia
Języki wykładowe angielski
Limit miejsc 1
  Zadaj pytanie
Obecnie nie trwają zapisy.

Minione tury w tej rekrutacji:
  • Tura 1 (15.04.2024 00:00 – 15.05.2024 23:59)

The programme English Studies – Linguistics comprises many disciplines. During their first year, students are given an overview of the subjects belonging within the domain of English Studies: they take classes in the literature, history and culture of the Anglophone countries, and classes devoted to linguistics. The latter make them aware of the fact that modern linguistics is a discipline researching, among others: the relationship between language and the human brain, diversity of language varieties, the role of language in artificial intelligence systems, communication in traditional and modern media, language change, or translation of texts of many kinds. If they are interested in those fields of research, they choose the English Studies – Linguistics programme,  and their bachelor’s diploma explicitly states that they are specialists in linguistics. 


Linguistics is interdisciplinary by nature, contributing to and drawing on the experience of sociology, pedagogy, psychology, communication studies, and other branches of research. In addition to core, i.e. major, subjects students also have a chance to take courses in literature, culture and social studies as their minor, depending on their interests.

Thanks to English being the only language of instruction, students considerably develop their language competence. They get acquainted with the literature, culture and history of the Anglosphere but, first and foremost, they study the topics within linguistics, such as social and regional varieties of language, multilingualism, communication in a variety of contexts, problems involved in translation, corpus and computational linguistics, language modeling for AI, and others.


The central theme of the program is the customization of study. Though students are obligated to attend compulsory courses, the majority of their study experience consists of elective courses tailored to individual interests and needs. The level of study personalization offered at our Institute cannot be matched by research facilities that have not adopted a course system. Students also acquire soft skills which facilitate their successful performance in the job market.       



Rekrutacja tylko dla studentów II i III roku