Rekrutacja na semestr letni r.ak. 2024/2025

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(UJ) Drug discovery and development, studia II stopnia, stacjonarne

Jednostka organizacyjna Uniwersytet Jagielloński w Krakowie
Kierunek studiów Drug discovery and development
Forma studiów stacjonarne
Poziom kształcenia drugiego stopnia
Języki wykładowe angielski
Limit miejsc 1
Adres WWW
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Minione tury w tej rekrutacji:
  • Tura 1 (31.10.2024 08:00 – 30.11.2024 23:59)

Drug Discovery and Development (DDD) is a programme focused on all aspects of identifying and introducing new medicines. Its mission is to deliver high-level specialists, equipped with a highly applied scientific basis for discovery and development of novel pharmacotherapeutics, combined with focused, real-life practical skills. This degree provides a solid grounding in pharmaceutical sciences, together with an opportunity to specialize in a particular drug discovery and development area.

The first semester is devoted to provide a basic understanding of drug discovery and development as well as key chemical, biological and pathophysiological aspects, relevant to drug research.

The second semester provides a wide and well-balanced training in pharmaceutical sciences, which serves as a basis for further, specialized skills development.

The third and fourth semesters are focused on one of the three leading areas:

  • Medicinal Chemistry
  • Experimental Pharmacology
  • Model Based Drug Development